Оксид алюминия Сапфир | Crystal Tech

Оксид алюминия Сапфир

Сапфир хорошо известен своей прочностью. Чрезвычайная твердость, высокая прочность и трещиностойкость делают его отличным выбором материала для высокопроизводительной оптики.

Наша компания выращивает кристаллы методом горизонтально направленной кристаллизации со следующими размерами 300x220x25 мм.


Main properties


Chemical formula


Crystal class

Hexagonal system, rhomboidal class 3m

Lattice constants, A

a=4.785, c=12.991

Density, g/cm3


Melting point, °K


Knoop(daN/mm2): 1800 parallel to C-axis, 2200 perpendicular to C-axis, Mohs: 9

Optical transmission range, µm

0.17 - 5.5

Refractive index at 0.532 µm

n0=1.7717, ne=1.76355

Water absorption


Young Modulus, Gpa


Shear Modulus, Gpa


Bulk Modulus, Gpa


Bending Modulus (Modulus of Rupture), Mpa

420 at 20°C, 280 at 500°C

Elastic Coefficient

C11=496, C12=164, C13=115, C33=498, C44=148

Poisson ratio


Friction Coefficient

0.15 on steel, 0.10 on sapphire

Tensile strength, MPa

400 at 25°, 275 at 500°, 345 at 1000°

Flexural strength, daN/mm2

35 to 39

Compressive strength, GPa


Young’s modulus E, daN/mm2

3.6 x 104 do 4.4 x 104

Specific heat, J/(kg x K)

105 at 91°K, 761 at 291°K

Thermal coefficient of linear expansion, K-1,at 323K

6.66 x 10-6 parallel to optical axis, 5 x 10-6 perpendicular to optical axis

Thermal conductivity, W/(m x K) at 300K

23.1 parallel to optical axis, 25.2 perpendicular to optical axis

Resistivity, Ohm x cm

1016 (25°), 1011 (500°), 106 (1000°)

Dielectric constant

1.5 (103 - 109 Hz, 25°) parallel to C-axis, 9.3 (103 - 109 Hz, 25°) perpendicular to C-axis

Dielectric strength, V/cm

4 x 105

Loss tangent

1 x 10-4



- in water


- in HNO3,H2SO4, HCl, HF

insoluble to 300 °C

- in alcalis

insoluble to 800 °C

- in melts of metals  Mg, Al, Cr, Co, Ni, Na, K, Bi, Zn, Cs

insoluble to 800-1000 ° C

g -radiation stability

No change in transmission above 2.5 mm after exposure to 107 Rads. No visible coloration after exposure to 108 Rads/hr for 60 minutes at - 195°C

Proton radiation stability 

No change in transmission below 0.3 µm after exposure to 1012 proton/cm2 total dose

Chemical resistance

Sapphire is highly inert and resistant to attack in most process environments including hydrofluoric acid and the fluorine plasma applications commonly found in semiconductor wafer processing (NF3, CF4)